Feddes Red | Big Sky Country Red
Website: Feddes Red | Big Sky Country Red
Map Location: Feddes Red | Big Sky Country Red
Angus breeders
This is evidenced by Chuck and Carol’s receipt of the National Red Association’s of the Year award in 2013. They work with neighboring Red to market between 140 and 150 purebred Red bulls and close to 200 purebred cows and heifers each year.
READ MORE: Feddes Red | Big Sky Country Red
LEARN MORE: www.feddesredangus.com
SOURCE: Angus & Cowboy Magazine
NOTE: Angus cattle management encompasses the practices and strategies employed by ranchers to ensure the health, productivity, and profitability of their Angus herds. Effective management involves considerations of nutrition, breeding, healthcare, and marketing to maximize the benefits of raising Angus cattle.
Originally posted 2022-10-20 01:06:47.