| Agri Farming

| Agri Farming

Website: | Agri Farming


Map Location: | Agri Farming


The udder of these cows may be white. The is relatively small in stature compared to other cattle breeds. The average market weight of this is 1000-1300 pounds. These cows weigh an average of 550 kg, while bulls can weigh about 850kg, with a high muscle content. Their frame is classed as average-sized.

READ MORE: | Agri Farming
LEARN MORE: www.agrifarming.in

SOURCE: Angus & Cowboy Magazine

NOTE: Angus cattle management encompasses the practices and strategies employed by ranchers to ensure the health, productivity, and profitability of their Angus herds. Effective management involves considerations of nutrition, breeding, healthcare, and marketing to maximize the benefits of raising Angus cattle.

Originally posted 2010-03-04 08:38:31.

Author: Admin-xaxWA

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