NJAA WEBSITE The National Junior Association website is …

NJAA WEBSITE The National Junior Association website is …

Website: NJAA WEBSITE The National Junior Association website is …


Map Location: NJAA WEBSITE The National Junior Association website is …


July 23 – 26, 2024 3-day event focused on exploring and agriculture in different regions of the country 14–20-year-olds Sponsored by the Foundation and the Chambers Endowment. With questions regarding any of the changes, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Events and Junior Activities Department at 816-383-5100 or events@.

READ MORE: NJAA WEBSITE The National Junior Association website is …
LEARN MORE: www.angus.org

SOURCE: Angus & Cowboy Magazine

NOTE: Angus cattle management encompasses the practices and strategies employed by ranchers to ensure the health, productivity, and profitability of their Angus herds. Effective management involves considerations of nutrition, breeding, healthcare, and marketing to maximize the benefits of raising Angus cattle.

Author: Admin-xaxWA

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